Fitness & wellness for women over 40 ✨

How do I live my best life in middle age?

on 8th September 2021

September is the ideal month to take a long, hard look at yourself!  In midlife, this is even more important to do – we absolutely must take care of ourselves – our body and our mind.  I don’t know about you but I intend to embrace my midlife and thrive, rather than just survive.  My company, “Embrace Over 40” helps women in their 40s, 50s and beyond to embrace their age, focusing on key areas such as Nutrition, Fitness and lifestyle factors such as Sleep and Stress!  It’s no longer enough just to eat less food and exercise more – this method is will not shift the weight that seems to pile on after 40.  Having gone through Perimenopause, I’m now embracing Menopause and over the last few years have been reading, researching and experimenting with different fitness and weight loss methods.  I now know the best approach and it doesn’t involve calorie counting or running marathons!  There is no “diet” and no torturous sessions in the gym.

If you want to unlock the secret to a fabulous Midlife, then book a FREE call and I’ll tell you how! What are you waiting for?!

You can also join my private Facebook page and connect with other members embracing their midlife journey.  So dive into September……….


About Katie Walton

My name is Katie Walton and I've been a Personal Trainer and Nutritionist for over 20 years.  I've helped clients of all ages but having now turned the big 40 myself, my own experience has become invaluable in helping clients adapt to the changes in their metabolism. 
Filed under  Fitness over 40 • Health over 40 • Wellness over 40 

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