Fitness & wellness for women over 40 ✨

Simplifying your wardrobe and your life!

on 15th October 2020

How is your wardrobe looking?  Is it a disaster zone?!

Have you lost your sense of style?

No idea what to wear any more?

As well as offering a library of fitness and nutrition tips (that truly work!), I want “EmbraceOver40” to encapsulate fashion styling and what types of clothes are really worth having in your wardrobe.  After you’ve hit the mid ’40 mark, the issue of putting on weight becomes more and more apparent in many women.  Many women comment that their sense of style seems to evaporate and with it goes their self esteem.  I’m a strong believer that what you wear can “lift your spirits” but I don’t want to agonise over trying to put an outfit together.  I want some key pieces in my wardrobe that I know look good on my (older) body and will stay stylish for years to come.  By simplifying your wardrobe and having key pieces to choose from leads to a simpler life.  We are just too busy to spend too long in the morning deciding what to wear.  If we look good on the outside, we will feel much better on the inside!

Over the years, I’ve realised that there are essential items that make up most of my wardrobe:

  1. White Shirt
  2. Black trousers
  3. Pair of Jeans
  4. Long skirt
  5. Dress that can be styled up or down
  6. White “Trainers”
  7. Jumper
  8. Black pumps
  9. Ankle Boots
  10. Knee high boots
  11. Mac
  12. Coat

Luckily I like the simple look but sometimes like to add a shock of colour with a scarf or a wrap.  And of course use jewellery and often coloured tights!!

About Katie Walton

My name is Katie Walton and I've been a Personal Trainer and Nutritionist for over 20 years.  I've helped clients of all ages but having now turned the big 40 myself, my own experience has become invaluable in helping clients adapt to the changes in their metabolism. 
Filed under  Fashion over 40 

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