Fitness & wellness for women over 40 ✨

Menopause & Me, a well being escape!

on 3rd April 2024

Join me and Lucy Parker, Flow, for a luxurious Wednesday Wellbeing Escape to Chafford Park, 22nd May, 9.30 – 3.30pm.

A harmonious day retreat focussing on you and discovering how you can best navigate your own personal journey through this important life transition. We will move, breathe, meditate, eat and share together in a nourishing, nurturing environment surrounded by the beauty of nature and the restorative luxury of time.

Here is an outline of our day, designed exclusively for your health, fitness and pleasure in mind.

  • 9.30 am Arrive, refreshments & welcome with Katie and Lucy
  • 10 am Start to settle with simple effective and balancing breathing with Lucy
  • 10.30 am Seamlessly begin to move, build strength and work our bodies in a fully appropriate, challenging and toning practice with Katie
  • 12 midday – BRUNCH
  • 1 pm As we physically digest we can also intellectually digest the wisdom of women through a perimenopause & menopause-focused talk and Q&A led by Katie
  • 2 pm Integration takes time, calm and steadiness. This final element of our day will be dedicated to soothing the nervous system and learning the most harmonious of breathing practices to take into your everyday lives with Lucy
  • 3 pm Ending, refreshments and closure with Katie and Lucy
  • 3.30 pm Departure

Take Away
We hope you’ll float away with a renewed sense of control and with a boost to your toolbox of go-to practices and techniques that can help to support you through your own menopausal journey.

Learn more…

About Katie Walton

My name is Katie Walton and I've been a Personal Trainer and Nutritionist for over 20 years.  I've helped clients of all ages but having now turned the big 40 myself, my own experience has become invaluable in helping clients adapt to the changes in their metabolism. 
Filed under  Health over 40 

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